I have had the good fortune of crossing paths with a friend's father, former World War Two vet Sgt. Pete Cavallo.
Pete had a suitcase with a lot of his documents which I've posted here:
-Photo of the troop
-Sailing orders
-Signatures of some of troop (Elmer E. Walk, Robert K. Southerland 'Good luck from the Rebals' , Robert E. Shull, Joseph E. -Lee, Greg Cottonhill, Turibio LaBelle, Mario Mazzella, Vincent C. Lora, Charles Martin, Earl T. Bettner)
They served from 1950-1952 helping the 28th and 39th Divisions, in Germany Army of Occupation. Initially trained defensively, they used generators to burn oil called 'fog oil' to create smoke camoflauge with the Chemical Corps. The Korean War started the same week they were sent.
If anyone has an affiliation or history with this troop, send me a message and I'll gladly connect you.