I'm still here in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba with media to cover the 9/11 commissions. All the artwork produced here must be approved by military before being released; so it was shown to Khalid Sheik Mohammad and his legal team- and was brought back with a comment by KSM to 'look at my FBI photo and change the nose, then I will allow it'. It made a story at any rate- and a better drawing in the end. All that aside, as someone who experienced 9/11 directly, this is personal.
That's funny. Saw some drawings on the news yesterday and thought of you down there!
I saw it on the news! I was so excited! So the Sheik is as picky as our other clients? Wow.
Who knew.
Whats next? "you made my ass too big"
I saw this story and had to look you up ... was at GTMO back when nothing interesting happened there ('89-'90) and now am a retired Navy guy, full-time artist, and occasional courtroom artist for the Asheville, NC, TV station. Your drawings - courtroom and otherwise - are excellent. I admire your use of pastels ... pastels don't like me at all, so I use pencil and watercolor. Nobody has complained about their nose yet, but one lawyer griped about the double chin I drew, which was about half the size of his real one!
Hey -- just because you're a religious fanatic/homicidal maniac doesn't mean your don't care about your appearance.
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