It's been a while since I've posted up freelance work other than my Guantanamo sketches. I have to say, I really enjoy the diversity of the work that I do and appreciate that my career has followed that open path; from sketching live in court (very intense and gratifying work) to teaching online (love seeing my students progress in their drawing ability) and last but not least, freelance illustrating, giving a visual narrative.
Here are two pieces for Newsday's Opinion editorials. The hand with the stopwatch is about Long Island having hospitals that can deal in a timely and effective manner with stroke victims- time always being of essence in an injury, but with a stroke what you do-and when, can make a huge difference in the outcome.
The second piece is about Health Care Reform, and our own ability to take preventative measures in our life choices; from eating, to reducing stress by reading, and of course, excercising.
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