Today's NYT headlines that detainees being heldat Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for association with 9/11 could be up for the death penalty under the oft-questioned tribunal system. I have been present as courtroom artist at some of the tribunals-a slideshow of my experience outside of court was created and posted on Associated Press's ASAP a couple of years ago. You can see it here:
GTMO sketchbook
That is so amazing that you got to be there. Great sketches, you convey so much. Love the crab and the iguana. You are are so great with animals!
HI Lisa,
Thank you! I feel very fortunate to have gone the three times to GTMO. It was eye-opening and I saw both sides of the story there; the hard work our soldiers do- some up for 24 hours to assist media- and what the reporters do to bring news out to the world. I appreciate your comments and that you keep up with the blog.
Awesome Post Jan. And your link works like a charm. What an exciting opportunity that was for you. I suspect the best is yet to come for ole' Hambone! But, what a piece of history you witnessed and were a part of on the news end of it.
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